Real Property Management Prime

Is Your Rental Property a Potential Hazard to Your Tenants?

It’s critical for you as an Ellicott City property manager that your tenants feel secure and at home in their rental property. Providing for a tenant’s safety can lower vacancies and improve the cash flow of the rental. However, if you don’t take extra care, some potentially dangerous conditions may arise without your knowledge. Let’s look at five of the most prevalent home dangers that, if ignored, could render your tenants gravely ill or even dead. It’s vital to be aware of the typical household hazards and how to avoid them if you want to make sure that your rental property is safe for your tenants.

Toxic Mold

Mold grows where there is moisture and a food source, such as cardboard or paper. The first symptom most people typically notice when they encounter mold is typically a musty odor. There are numerous varieties of mold, the majority of which are unsightly but not particularly dangerous to people. Stachybotrys, also known as black mold, can be toxic. This could cause allergic reactions, respiratory distress, and in severe cases anaphylactic shock.

Mold growth prevention in rental properties is relatively straightforward. Using an exhaust fan in steamy bathrooms, letting the house air out, and installing a dehumidifier in the basement can help prevent mold on your property. Think about instructing your tenants on mold prevention and assisting them in comprehending the risks. Additionally, you should regularly inspect your property for signs of mold. If the worst should happen and you discover black mold, it’s vital to contact a professional right away who can safely remove it and handle the problem that caused the moisture that led to the mold in the first place.


With regard to older rental properties, asbestos poses a significant problem. But if the asbestos is kept inside of walls or other closed spaces, it is generally safe as long as it is not disturbed. If your rental property’s walls contain asbestos, you must inform your tenant not to drill or otherwise create openings in the walls, even to hammer in a nail. Asbestos can enter a home through even small cracks and cause mesothelioma cancer.

Only trained experts with the appropriate licenses should remove asbestos. You should not attempt to remove it on your own or let a tenant do it in order to avoid injury and diseases associated with asbestos exposure.

Lead Poisoning

Lead is another potentially dangerous substance that could be found in older rental properties. Before it was outlawed in 1978, lead paint was frequently used in older homes. Even if you have painted over the old paint, lead-based paint can flake off as a home ages, exposing your tenants, their children, and their pets to a toxic substance. In other cases, lead poisoning is also caused by old pipes.

Your rental property’s plumbing and water should be thoroughly inspected for lead to prevent lead poisoning. Also, if your home was constructed prior to 1978, you should have your paint tested and removed by trained professionals. The only way to ensure that your tenants are safe from lead is to completely remove the old paint from all impacted surfaces, even though painting over lead paint is a temporary workaround.


In the United States, house fires are an all-too-common occurrence. Additionally, home fires can, unfortunately, be fatal. On average, more than 346,000 000 residential fires occur each year, resulting in 2,620 civilian fatalities. Cooking fires are brought on by oil and other ingredients, while laundry room fires are most often started by dryer lint. In addition to faulty appliances and electrical problems, unattended candles are a leading cause of house fires.

There are numerous things you should do to keep your rental property free from fires. First, do what you can to make sure there are no electrical problems in your rental home and have the dryer vent cleaned once a year. Second, teach your tenants about fire safety and provide them with fire extinguishers, functioning smoke detectors, and other necessary items. By adhering to these easy steps, you can drastically reduce the risk that your rental property will catch fire.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is an additional frequent household hazard. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas produced by the combustion of fuels such as wood, propane, gasoline, and charcoal. When devices and engines that use these fuels are not adequately ventilated, carbon monoxide can accumulate in an enclosed space and cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Mild carbon monoxide poisoning can result in headaches, nausea, vision blurring, and confusion. In severe cases, carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to permanent tissue damage or even death.

Through appropriate maintenance and tenant education, carbon monoxide poisoning can be avoided. It’s vital to routinely service any fireplaces or appliances that use the fuels mentioned above. In addition, install carbon monoxide detectors all across your rental property to warn you and your tenants of any potential dangers. If your rental property has a garage or if your tenants have a propane grill or heater, it’s a good idea to inform them that they must never leave a car running or use a propane device in an enclosed area. Your tenants might benefit from some basic safety education to prevent illness and worse.

It takes effort and time to ensure the health and safety of your tenants. Why not let experts assist? At Real Property Management Prime, our comprehensive property management and tenant relations programs are designed to keep both your property and your tenants safe. To learn more about the services we offer, call us at 410-415-1736 or contact us online today!